Cacao isn’t just for chocolate beers—around those nibs is a whole fruit with its own bright and unexpected flavors. Largely unknown outside tropical climates, those flavors present some unique possibilities for beer.
Corn has long held an important place in brewing across the Americas, from chicha in the Andes to Mexican and American adjunct lagers. Today, craft maltsters and brewers are seeking more flavorful heirloom varieties to see how far they can push those flavors.
Kelly Montgomery of Third Eye Brewing won four straight GABF gold medals for milk stout—and he did it at two different breweries, using two different recipes. We sent David Nilsen to get the insights on how.
From our Love Handles department for beer bars we love: In Bellefontaine, Ohio, this small-town hub for local beer lovers also attracts city folk who want to get out of town for a great pint.
Despite one of the most impressive beer lists in the city, this place tosses pretension to the curb in favor of living room–style comfort and camaraderie.