Todd Boera

Todd Boera

Benefits of a Long Boil Before Spontaneous Fermentation (Video Tip)

Before you add your wort to a coolship, Todd Boera has some suggestions for the boil.

Getting Creative with an At Home Coolship

If a commercial coolship isn't in your homebrewing budget, Todd Boera has some suggestions on how you can make spontaneous beer at home.

The Importance of Cooler Temperatures for a Coolship (Video Tip)

Fonta Flora's Todd Boera talks about his brewery's coolship, the temperatures needed to be successful, and more.

How to Store and What to Look for With Aged Hops (Video Tip)

When it comes to spontaneous beers, aged hops can play an important role. Todd Boera of Fonta Flora explains what works for his brewery.

Spontaneous Brewing with Fonta Flora (Full Video)

Fonta Flora's Todd Boera takes you through their first coolship brew of the season, offering practical tips for recipe development, mashing, boil, chilling/coolship, fruiting, and much more.

Fonta Flora Brewery’s Appalachian Wild Ale Recipe

Fonta Flora’s mixed-culture wild ale recipe uses 40 percent local raw wheat and local fruit.