Getting Creative with an At Home Coolship

If a commercial coolship isn't in your homebrewing budget, Todd Boera has some suggestions on how you can make spontaneous beer at home.

Todd Boera Apr 18, 2019 - 1 min read

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Want to make mixed culture beers or spontaneous beers but lack the necessary equipment? The brewer behind Fonta Flora has some tips and insight that will get you on the right path to making intriguing beers with depth.

In the full video course, Fonta Flora's Todd Boera takes you through their first coolship brew of the season, offering practical tips for recipe development, mashing, boil, chilling/coolship, fruiting, and much more.

The full video course, will teach you several methods to help you brew your own spontaneous beers at the commercial and home scale. Topics for this course include:

  • Designing a recipe for spontaneous beers
  • Turbid mashing
  • Evaluating and selecting hops
  • Coolship techniques
  • Prospecting for local bugs
  • Fruit and adjuncts
  • When to blend
  • And much more