Homebrew Brands of the Year
Thousands of votes were cast, yet the race for 2018 homebrew brand of the year was decided by a margin of only five votes, as Blichmann and Ss Brewtech traded places in the number one and two spots.
- Blichmann
- Ss Brewtech
- Inkbird
- Spike
- Grainfather
- Anvil
- Bayou
- Braumeister (Speidel)
- Fast Ferment
- PicoBrew
- Craft a Brew (Catalyst)
- Ruby Street
- Tilt
- Electric Brewing Supply
- BrewJacket
Top Brew Gear 2018
Evolution in the brewing-gear market is driving innovation at a rapid pace. These are the pieces of gear you’re happiest with or that appear on the top of your brewing-gear wish list.
- Ss Brewtech Chronical Fermenter
- Grainfather System
- Ss Brewtech Brew Bucket
- Catalyst Fermenter
- Ss Brewtech Unitank
- Robobrew
- Bayou Kettle
- Northern Brewer Megapot
- Tilt Hydrometer
- Anvil Fermenter
- Blichmann Beer Gun
- Blichmann Riptide Pump
- Chugger Pump
- Fast Ferment Fermenter
- PicoBrew Zymatic
- Ss Brewtech Infusion Mash Tun
- Big Mouth Bubbler
- Brewjacket
- Brewer’s Edge Mash and Boil
- Edelmetall Burner
Homebrew Retailers of the Year
These are your favorite places to buy your favorite gear and ingredients from your favorite brands.
- MoreBeer! (California and online)
- Northern Brewer (Minnesota and online)
- Adventures in Homebrewing (Michigan and online)
- Austin Homebrew Supply (Texas and online)
- Atlantic Brew Supply (North Carolina and online)
- Love2Brew (New Jersey and online)
- FH Steinbart (Oregon and online)
- Great Fermentations (Indiana and online)
- The Homebrewer (San Diego, California)
- Beer and Wine Hobby (Massachusetts and online)
- Doc’s Cellar (San Luis Obispo, California)
- Maryland Homebrew (Maryland and online)
- Micro Homebrew (Kenmore, Washington)
- Orlando Homebrew Supplies (Orlando, Florida)
- Siciliano’s (Grand Rapids, Michigan)