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Brazilian coffee, cacao, oats, and milk sugar are all parts of this complete breakfast stout. Roasty, rich, and smooth!
BA breakfast stout with chocolate cereal, cocoa nibs, vanilla, and coffee brewed in collaboration with Cincin-nati Craft Beer Club and The Party Source.
"Barrel-aged imperial breakfast stout with coffee, maple syrup, vanilla, cacao nibs, and lactose."
“Like your favorite breakfast treat and a great cup of coffee, Cinnamon Roll’d Wake-n-Bake hits on all cylinders. Starting with a delicious coffee aroma, a touch of cinnamon gives way to a sugary sweet icing flavor as a buttery nuttiness fills out the last drop of this breakfast in a glass.”
“Double milk stout with coffee and maple.”
“Black as night, this coffee stout is thick, rich, and full of real coffee flavor. A unique blend of coffee produces a robust and flavorful beer that will leave you asking, ‘Why not beer for breakfast?’”
Bourbon barrel-aged imperial breakfast stout made with oats, chocolate, Kona coffee, and bourbon barrel–aged Iowa maple syrup.
"All the roasted malt flavor you expect ... plus the huge coffee and vanilla flavor of a cafe latte."
Brewed with cinnamon, vanilla, Mississippi Mud Espresso, cacao nibs, and maple syrup. Aged in Four Roses bourbon barrels.
“The 2015 Buckley Imperial Breakfast Stout aged in bourbon barrels.”
“Brewed with natural maple flavor, Tanzanian vanilla beans, Ghanaian cacao nibs.”
“Imperial stout. Coffee, coconut, and Papuan vanilla.”
Our imperial breakfast stout fermented with a ridiculous amount of maple syrup and conditioned on whole-bean Sumatra from Clutch Coffee. Aged in Heaven Hill, Woodford Reserve, and Bull Run bourbon barrels.
Imperial stout aged in bourbon barrels for 14 months with extended aging on Madagascar vanilla beans, bourbon barrel–aged maple syrup and Dragon Fly Coffee Roasters’ Terre Celesti whole bean coffee.