Learn about how we rate & review beers with our BJCP blind panel here
“Produced from all gluten-free ingre- dients. In the classic Dubbel fashion, a hint of dark-sugar and toffee flavor; and a traditional Belgian yeast bouquet.”
“A dark brown body and aromas of cocoa, banana, cloves, a toasted nutty character, and flavors of chocolate- covered cherries and candied fruits. Subdued hops profile. Spicy, herbal notes complement the warm, slightly sweet finish.”
“Reddish-brown color with amber-gold highlights; soft body leads to earthy flavors and an herbal character. Refined, soft spiciness in the bouquet finishes with a bit caramel. Bottle-conditioned for soft natural carbonation.”
“Our Belgian ale made with pilsner, pale, and Munich malt with a generous amount of dark Belgian candi syrup.”
“Ruby-brown with a firm, silky head and strong natural carbonation. Clove, anise, raisin, molasses, and banana aromas. A spicy clove flavor mellows into softer, caramel fruity taste. Silky, spicy mouthfeel. Balanced alcohol with hoppy dryness.”
“This Belgian beauty has a sultry flavor combination of brown sugar, plum, and spices in a dark burgundy hue. Abby has a deep, rich flavor and a strength that hides behind a light fruity finish.”
“Brewed with coriander in a rich, dubbel base, its toffee aromas and hints of fresh, ripe orange will leave Santa feeling generous.”