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Pick Six: Dedication & Decoction with Brienne Allan

Before her @ratmagnet Instagram stories and the industry reckoning that followed, Brienne Allan was, and remains, very much a brewer. Her chosen six-pack—all lagers, all decocted—are all beers that have played pivotal roles in her professional journey.

Jamie Bogner Mar 15, 2022 - 12 min read

Pick Six: Dedication & Decoction with Brienne Allan Primary Image

Illustration: Jamie Bogner

It wasn’t intentional, necessarily, but as Brienne Allan looked back at this six-pack of beers, there was a common thread.

“There definitely is a theme,” she says. “I believe all of these beers involve a cereal cooker and/or a decoction mash. And they’re all incredibly balanced, which is what I look for in beers that I drink.”

Formerly the head of production at Notch Brewing in Salem, Massachusetts, Allan’s passion for the deepest corners of lager brewing continues to drive her. (Her next project: Launching lager-focused Sacred Profane Brewing later this year in Biddeford, Maine.) She is drawn to beers that require effort, attention to detail, and a fine-grained understanding of the brewing process. The challenges involved with brewing exceptional lagers thus offer the perfect allure, and these six showcase their inherent breadth and possibility.

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Jamie Bogner is the Cofounder and Editorial Director of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine®. Email him at [email protected].