Podcast Episode 80: Moksa Brewing’s Derek Gallanosa and Cory Meyer: Designing and Brewing Flavorful and Rich Ingredient-Forward Stouts

Derek Gallanosa doesn’t apologize for making ingredient-laden, flavor-forward beers that may send old school purists into fits—he’s focused on giving his customers rich experiences full of flavors they’re familiar with.

Jamie Bogner Apr 26, 2019 - 3 min read

Podcast Episode 80: Moksa Brewing’s Derek Gallanosa and Cory Meyer: Designing and Brewing Flavorful and Rich Ingredient-Forward Stouts Primary Image

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In this episode recorded recently on the floor of the Craft Brewers Conference, Gallanosa and head brewer Cory Meyer discuss building base recipes to complement adjunct treatments, designing beers for barrel aging, how to maximize ingredient extraction through recirculation and other additions strategies, working with fellow respected brewery peers to mutually raise the profile of small breweries, and more.

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Ss Brewtech: The founders launched Ss Brewtech with a very clear goal to advance brewing equipment design, performance, and quality to the very highest standards in the industry. With a team that draws upon strong functional backgrounds in brewing science, mechanical engineering, industrial design, supply chain, and manufacturing, Ss Brewtech has the people and skill sets you would want and expect from your supplier of pro brewing equipment. Head over to SsBrewtech.com for more information on their brewhouses and brewing gear.

American Homebrewers Association: This episode is brought to you by the American Homebrewers Association, an orgnization dedicated to homebrewing and the worldwide community of homebrewers.

G&D Chillers: As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way on innovative solutions that match their brewing customers immediate and future needs. With a wide selection of custom built chillers; G&D offers the Nano chiller, the perfect solution for Nano breweries all the way up to their larger capacity units like the Vertical Air Chiller, built for higher volume operations. Contact G&D Chillers today for your chiller sizing needs at 800.555.0973. Reach out online at Gdchillers.com

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Jamie Bogner is the Cofounder and Editorial Director of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine®. Email him at [email protected].