MadTree Brewing Happy Amber
What the brewers say
“Combines caramel and biscuit malt flavors in happy equilibrium with late addition American hops. The approachable balance is intentional although the name is a ‘hoppy accident.’ ”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Like sticking my head into a hops bag—candied orange, lots of citrus, and a touch of spice. Bready malt, maybe like orange marmalade on toast. Fruity esters (cherry, pear) with some floral perfume notes.”
Flavor: “Huge hops flavor (grassy, citrus), moderate bitterness. Yes, there’s a fair amount of bready/crackery malt in the mix, but this is a hops party. Slightly sweet start with nice citrus flavors. Medium body with the hops bitterness helps to create a dry finish. Lively carbonation combined with fresh hops flavors is refreshingly zippy.”
Overall: “Orange marmalade on fresh toasted bread. Great hops aroma and flavor—an amber ale for West Coast hopheads. Nicely balanced and very drinkable. For an amber, it’s a pretty good pale ale.”