Green Flash Brewing Company Black IPA
What the brewers say
This nearly jet black American-style IPA has high hop bitterness, flavor, and aroma, balanced by a moderate degree of caramel malt and subdued dark roasted malt. Pacific Northwest Warrior, Citra, and Cascade hops imbue juicy, fruity, floral, and pine notes to give our Black IPA a classic West Coast IPA hop character.
What our panel thought
Aroma: “A pronounced butterscotch aroma upfront with toffee and a slight roastiness. Sweet malt notes with light vanilla evokes roasted marshmallows.”
Flavor: “Prominent hop bitterness balanced by malt sweetness and the requisite roast and toast. The butterscotch aroma carries through to the flavor and works well. The sweetness is quickly overtaken by aggressive hop bitterness that finishes with a lingering astringency.”
Overall: “Has a slightly lighter body and could be described easily as a hoppy American porter, but this was like a campfire in a bottle with charred roasted marshmallows and toasted pine. ”