Style: Lambic, Gueuze, or Spontaneous

ABV: 8.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Jester King Brewery Balcones Texas Single Malt Whiskey Barrel-Aged SPON

What the brewers say

“Lambic-style beer aged in Balcones Texas Single Malt Whisky barrel.”

What our panel thought

“Whiskey-like oak and vanilla aromatics complemented by hints of leather, horse blanket, wet hay. An initial peat-like smoke flavor slowly fades into a leathery funk.”

What our editors thought

“Caramel sweet citrus on the nose, backed by a sweet woody vanilla note. In the sip, that citrus note pushes over the caramel middle, with punchy mineral funk notes highlighting the edges. It moves in multiple directions—malty middle, sharper citrus high end.”

Review printed in: In a Belgian Mood (February-March 2022) (View All Issues)



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