Style: English Mild

ABV: 3.5

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 16
Mouthfeel: 4

Wild East Brewing Co. Temperance

What the brewers say

"Balanced, toasty English ale perfect for pairing with breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. Full of smooth malty flavor, less filling, all day drinking-appropriate."

What our panel thought

“Aroma of sweet caramel malt, dark-toasted bread, enticing woody hops, and pronounced stone-fruit esters. Toast-forward flavor with touches of floral hops and light kiss of chocolate. Light-bodied, with smooth malt flavor. Bitterness overwhelms the light body.” 

What our editors thought

“Engaging nose: over-toasted bread, faint cocoa, citrus, and floral notes. On the sip, restrained floral hops and gentle bitterness give structure to a light but relatively toothy body. Soft, lingering, dark-chocolate bitterness.”

Review printed in: The Route to Stout (October-November 2021) (View All Issues)



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