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Recipe: Ozark BDCS (Barrel-Aged Double Cream Stout)

Courtesy of Ozark Beer cofounders Andy Coates and Lacie Bray, here is a homebrew-scale recipe for their BDCS—a bourbon barrel–aged double cream stout meant for months of wood-aging to balance and soften its profile.

Recipe: Dutchess Ales Duffield Best Bitter

Courtesy of Mike Messenie at cask-centric Dutchess Ales in Wassaic, New York, this homebrew-scale recipe is a pleasantly lush and nuanced take on their original Best Bitter, meant for natural cask-conditioning in a 5.4-gallon (20-liter) “pin.”

Recipe: Firestone Walker Merlin Milk Stout

Courtesy of Firestone Walker Brewmaster Matt Brynildson, this is a homebrew-scale recipe for a rich but highly drinkable milk stout with complex malt character. The recipe is also versatile—a great base for adding coffee or flavored adjuncts.

Capturing Indigenous Yeast Cultures with Antidoot

In rural Flemish Brabant, Antidoot Wilde Fermenten’s house mixed culture includes various wild yeasts they have captured over the years. Here, Tom Jacobs offers tips for success in wrangling your own local strains.

Full Video: Constructing Artful Mixed-Culture Beers with Firestone Walker Barrelworks

With detailed advice from Jim Crooks, master blender at Firestone Walker’s Barrelworks, you can brew complex but balanced mixed-culture beers meant for patient wood-aging and blending.

Recipe: Alma Mader Premiant

Courtesy of Tania Hewett-Mader and Nick Mader of Kansas City’s Alma Mader Brewing, this locally popular pilsner embraces Bohemian malt and Noble hops, including an aromatic burst of spicy Saaz in the whirlpool.

Recipe: Munkle 5 Branches Bière de Garde

Courtesy of Joe Bowden, head brewer at Munkle Brewing in Charleston, South Carolina, here is a homebrew-scale recipe for the beer that won GABF gold in 2018 in the category Belgian-Style and French-Style Ales.

Recipe: Kane Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout

Courtesy of Michael Kane, founder of Kane Brewing in Ocean, New Jersey, this imperial stout recipe meant for aging in a spirits barrel is based on their award-winning A Night to End All Dawns.

Recipe: Birds Fly South Saison is Dead

This recipe from South Carolina’s Birds Fly South—where rumors of saison’s death have been greatly exaggerated—borrows a couple of tricks from IPA for a hop-forward yet grounded saison.

Recipe: Kehrwieder SHIPA Callista

Courtesy of Oliver Wesseloh, brewer and founder of Kehrwieder Kreativbrauerei in Hamburg, Germany, this single-hopped IPA goes all-in on Callista.