The holiday season is nealy upon us—a time for food, family, and festive drinking. However, as we know, indulging in alcoholic beverages at the family get-to-together or office holiday party can lead to a rough next morning.
Why do you feel bad after a night of drinking?
For some people, even one drink can cause unpleasant consequences the next day. Many drinkers believe that rough mornings are solely caused by dehydration, but that’s only part of the issue. Difficult mornings are mainly caused by a byproduct of alcohol called acetaldehyde, which accumulates in the liver and gut when drinking. Human bodies have not adapted to efficiently process large amounts of acetaldehyde, and that leads to the unpleasant morning-after experience.
What can you do to feel better the morning after?
- Eat before and while you drink. Since alcohol gets absorbed faster when your stomach is empty, having food before and while you’re consuming alcohol can help lessen the negative impact.
- Drink water. Drinking water before, during, and after alcohol consumption can help keep you hydrated.
- Drink in moderation, and take it slow. Try to avoid having more than one alcoholic drink an hour, and stop drinking at least an hour before going to bed.
Are there new ways to feel better the next-day?
A team of PhD microbiologists from ZBiotics, a San Francisco–based company, has developed a genetically modified probiotic that breaks down acetaldehyde, the harmful byproduct of alcohol. The genetically modified bacteria created by ZBiotics generate an enzyme that mimics the one that naturally occurs in the liver, effectively duplicating its crucial function in the area that requires the most support: the gut. To explore the science behind ZBiotics further, you can check out a detailed explanation here.
Why use a probiotic drink before consuming alcohol during the holiday season?
Along with an abundance of food and festivities, drinking alcohol can be a major component of the holiday season for many people. But a night of drinking shouldn’t lead to a miserable next day.
A number of celebrity chefs and bartenders drink ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic to feel good the next day.
Bradley Robinson, professional BBQer and host of the famous ChudsBBQ YouTube channel, swears by the probiotic drink. “I’ve been using it for a while now, especially with football season in full swing,” he says. “I love having some brewskies while watching the game on Sunday, but with ZBiotics, I can wake up Monday morning feeling refreshed and ready to get right back to work.”
Steve Roennfeldt knows a thing or two about alcohol. He has more than two decades of experience working in the hospitality industry and is the founder of Threefold Distilling. He’s also the creator of Steve the Bartender, a hugely popular YouTube channel where he has gained millions of views sharing his easy-to-follow cocktail videos. Steve tried ZBiotics before a night of drinking, and he was pleasantly surprised at how well the probiotic worked. “After the night out,” he says, “I woke up feeling chipper and ready to enjoy the day with my family.”
Gustavo Tosta, a meat and BBQ guru, author, and founder of the YouTube Channel Guga, also uses ZBiotics. “After a night with drinks, I did not bounce back the next day the way I used to,” he says. “I had to make a choice: I can either have a great night or a great next day, but that [was] until I found ZBiotics.”
There’s no better time to stock up on ZBiotics than this holiday season. Time-tested strategies such as drinking on a full stomach and staying hydrated, in tandem this new pre-alcohol probiotic, ensure a happier next day.
TryZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic yourself and use discount code BEERANDBREWING for 15 percent off your first order, or click on this link.