Annie Johnson

Annie Johnson

Annie Johnson is an experienced R&D brewer, IT specialist, and national beer judge. Her awards include 2013 American Homebrewer of the Year honors.

Recipe: Annie’s Wee Scottie

This extract-based wee heavy recipe offers the chance to try boiling down some wort in the kettle to develop caramelization and deeper malt flavor.

Depth Charge! Boil Reductions for (Wee) Heavy Flavor

Sometimes known as “kettle caramelization,” the Maillard richness of a boil reduction can add deeper malt flavor to any beer you brew—even if it’s not Scottish.

Recipe: Annie’s Quantum Firecracker Pale Ale

Malt extract and hop extract join hands for this American pale ale recipe, which gets some aromatic bang from a potent cold-side addition.

No Rests For the Wicked: Getting Punchy With Hop Extracts

Pro brewers these days are learning about how best to take advantage of cold-side aroma extracts and other advanced hop products. Why shouldn’t you?

Recipe: Annie’s Olde Patterson 0600 Malt Liquor

This extract-based ode to American malt liquor—and to an old friend—gets appropriately large portions of adjuncts and enzyme to boost attenuation. Serve it cold!

Malt Liquor: American Nostalgia, Extracted

Since adjunct lagers are cool again, it may be time to give American malt liquor a fresh look. Lean and strong, this adjunct-laden product of the post-Prohibition era has the power to evoke simpler times.

Recipe: Annie’s Gourdgeous Pumpkin Ale

Be generous with the gourd and toast your own allpsice for this smashing pumpkin ale that’s easy as, well, pie.

No Rests for the Wicked: Pumpkin Ale, Easy as Pie

Pumpkin ale is a seasonal American tradition strong enough to smash even the most cynical pumpkin-spice fatigue. It’s also fun to make—and drink, and share—at home.

Recipe: Annie’s Sandy Beaches Cold IPA

Despite it’s lean malt frame and body-lightening adjuncts, cold IPA is well within the reach of homebrewers who like to employ partial-mashes and extracts.

Cold IPA, Extracted: It’s a Cold Snap!

Crack some grains and cook some rice if you want, but attacking cold IPA with the partial-mash method is simple. Let the pedants argue about whether it’s a style—we’re too busy brewing and drinking it.