Libby Murphy

Tapped Out: Nitro vs. CO2

Knowing the difference between nitro and carbon dioxide carbonation will help you decide which to choose next time you have the option.

Using Tinctures to Add Flavors to Beer

Knowing how to create a tincture for your batch will enhance the flavors and ensure the most bang for your spice buck.

The Craft of Women's Brew Clubs

Recruit some friends, and head to your nearest taproom for some fun, beerducation, and of course…craft-beer.

The Brewer’s Garden: Flower Power Part II

In this part of the series, we recommend various flowers and the beers they’ll work best with.

Handpicked: 19 Beers Brewed With Flowers

Flowers aren’t just for weddings and perfume—they add a host of characteristics to beer, and you can find many of them on the shelf of your local liquor store!

The Brewer’s Garden: Flower Power Part I

Using flowers you might already have in your garden, you can add unique characteristics to your homebrew.

Get Bent: The Rising Trend of Yoga in Craft Breweries

Yoga and beer are two effective ways to improve your health, so it’s only natural they’ve teamed up to create a powerhouse of wellness.

Five Reasons to Try Brew-on-Premise Brewing

Brewing on premise gives homebrewers the opportunity to brew when they otherwise might not be able to.

Cereal: Not Just for Mornings

Here are five brewers who have incorporated the most important meal of the day with the most important drink of the day.

How to Host a (Relatively) Stress-free Homebrew Competition

Here is a survival guide for the hosts and hostesses of homebrew parties.