Sierra Nevada Brewing (Sponsored)

The Secret Hero Behind Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale may have put Cascade hops on the map—piney, citrusy, superb—but have you admired the beer’s unsung hero? Pale Ale’s yeast quietly anchors this classic, down to the pivotal finale that makes or breaks each batch: bottle conditioning.

Hop Harvests Change, but Celebration Stays the Same

There it is—bright red on store shelves, drinkers sprinting to it like it’s the first gift under the tree.

Find Your Hoppy Place with Sierra Nevada’s Liquid Hoppiness IPA

Sierra Nevada’s juicy autumn seasonal—Liquid Hoppiness—will drop before any of your leaves do.

Sierra Nevada’s Summer Break IPA: Session with Substance

At 4.6 percent ABV, the seasonal Summer Break IPA is svelte and sessionable—yet it packs a big, punchy flavor. Scott Jennings, Sierra Nevada’s innovation brewmaster, explains how.

The Dry-Hopping Precision of Sierra Nevada’s Powder Day IPA

Sierra Nevada’s Powder Day IPA is a citrus-forward, double dry-hopped demonstration of what lupulin powder can do when applied with art and acumen.

Sierra Nevada’s Hop Trek to Start the Celebration

The season can’t begin without Celebration—but first, there’s a journey to pick the right hops and rush them back to the brew kettles.

Sierra Nevada’s Dankful IPA is Making an Impact

Through its Dankful IPA, Sierra Nevada Brewing is committing at least $1 million this year for nonprofits supporting communities in need.

At Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. the Kitchen Garden is “Really Right Outside Our Back Door."

The chefs at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. have a passion for fresh food. With a thoughtful approach to farming, its agriculture teams on both coasts maximize their playgrounds and sometimes even get the brewing staff involved with recipes.

Make Tonight a Hazy One

At Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, the brewing team is hard at work brewing the finest craft beers in the world. But something mysterious is afoot. Sponsored Content.