Making Beer

How To Get Decoction Results Without Actually Doing a Decoction Mash

Performing the labor- and time-intensive process of creating a decoction mash might produce excellent results, but you can save time by fine-tuning the malts in your recipe.

Optimizing Your Mash: Part 2

Learning to sparge for maximum efficiency will improve the final quality of your wort and help you knock your homebrew out of the park.

Make Your Best American Amber Ale

American amber ales allow for a significant range of flavors, which makes them a great beer for creative brewers.

How to Estimate a Reasonable Pitch

Improve your homebrew with the correct amount of yeast.

Exchange Rates VI: An Example

It’s time to put these ideas to work with a complete example.

Make Your Best Kölsch

With summer just around the corner, here is a guide to brewing your best-ever lawnmower beer.

Exchange Rates V: Hops Utilization

Hops adjustments are the final piece of the puzzle in converting all-grain recipes to extract versions.

Make Your Best Bitter

Here are guidelines for brewing the best English pale ale ever.

Fermentation Resurrection: Reusing Yeast

Here are two methods for collecting yeast to reuse in future batches.

What’s Your Condition?

A quick and easy guide to picking the right priming sugar for your batch.