The Los Angeles brewer talks about his plan for modest growth, how he looks for inspiration beyond just Germany and the Czech Republic when it comes to pilsner, and shares his advice for creating a wild yeast culture that will develop over time.
Dave Coyne of Fort George Brewery holds the title of “Barrel Baron,” and manages everything from R&D brewing to the barrel program of the powerhouse Pacific Northwest brewery.
Alexandra Nowell, the brewmaster at Three Weavers in Los Angeles talks about what she learned as she worked her way up the brewing career ladder, especially an appreciation for ingredients.
Falling Rock Taphouse cofounder Chris Black is known for his strong opinions and bombastic style—befitting for one of America’s most influential publicans.
It’s been three weeks since an internet post where issues of wages, beer service, and recipes were leveled against Trillium Brewing Co.
This week on the podcast is Greg Engert, the beer director and managing partner for Neighborhood Restaurant Group in Washington D.C. which includes Bluejacket, The Sovereign, Churchkey, and Birch and Barley, among others.
When he and his two brothers founded Jack’s Abby Brewing in 2011, Jack Hendler thought their brewery making only lagers might grow to brew 3000 bbl of beer per year. Fast forward to 2018, where they’ll finish the year around the 50,000 bbl mark.
There's a lot to like about brewing in Portland, Oregon but for Justin Miller the Head Brewer of Hopworks Urban Brewery having access to terrific hop growers just a short drive away tops the list.
Jeremy Wirtes, cofounder and head brewer for Triple Crossing Beer in Richmond, Virginia, may never be completely happy with the beer he makes. “We can always be better, and it’s a constant pursuit of that,” he says.
Dave Engbers, the cofounder at Founders Brewing Company has learned a lot about brewing from both the beers he likes to drink, and how it's evolved to the way to keep the lights on.