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Full Video: Introduction to Lagering

In Craft Beer & Brewing's Introduction to Lagering video, you'll learn to create crisp, cold-conditioned lagers at home. WIth solid technical advice and temperature control tips, you'll have all the tools you need to brew lagers right the first time.

Full Video: All-Grain & Partial Mash Brewing

CB&B co-founder Steve Keonig walks you through a full all-grain brew day, from mashing and lautering to batch sparging to hop additions to pitching yeast and racking to secondary fermentation, as well as bottling your beer!

Full Video: Wood Aging Your Beer

Wood offers character that no other ingredient or method can match. In fact, you can think of the wood aging process as a whole new ingredient altogether.

Full Video: Advanced Yeast Management

Join Tony Rau from Odell Brewing Company and learn the ins and outs of isolating, storing, and culturing yeast.