Joe Stange

Joe Stange

Joe Stange is executive editor of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine, the Brewing Industry Guide, and Spirits & Distilling.

Metamodern Tastes in Country Beer, Part II: Kemker Kultuur

“I could buy conventional grain and save some thousands of bucks per year, but then I don’t have anything to tell,” Jan Kemker says. “I don’t know if we need to call it terroir. It’s liquid storytelling, I think.”

Metamodern Tastes in Country Beer, Part I: Eik & Tid

In various places around the world, brewers are choosing to limit their choices and root their beer in its place. In the first part of a triptych, here’s a look at Norway’s Eik & Tid and its kveik-fermented, oak-aged, mixed-culture raw ales.

For Those About to Rock: Practical Tips on Stone Beer

Ready to build a fire and brew a traditional stone beer at home? Grab your tongs and get ready to rock.

The Means of the Stone Age: Hot Rocks in Ancient Brewing

Mashing with hot rocks isn’t just an antiquated quirk of a few farmhouse brewers. In fact, we may be able to blame the technique for the founding of human civilization.

Podcast Episode 234: Pierre Tilquin of Gueuzerie Tilquin Makes Lambic and Gueuze with Lively Spirit and Mathematical Precision

Tilquin’s strategy for blending gueuze is one part romance, one part math, as the experience he’s developed with lambics from different Belgian brewers informs every piece of the blend—from age to technical performance and flavor.

Recipe: Devil’s Advocate Golden Strong Ale

This homebrew recipe is based on everything we know about how Duvel brews its iconic golden strong ale.

Love Handles: You Choose Life, We Choose Fiery Atomica Pizza and IPA at Pizzeria Paradiso

From our Love Handles files on beer bars we love: This longtime Beltway cornerstone serves exceptional beers and pizzas.

Podcast Episode 233: Urbain Coutteau of Struise Brouwers Shares Some “Peasant Intelligence”

Known for their high-gravity beers and irreverent attitude, the Struise Brouwers have injected fresh energy into Belgian beer over the past two decades. Yet the systems they’ve built to brew these big beers are as creative as the beers themselves.

Podcast Episode 232: Raf Souvereyns of Bokke Is Blending Lambic with Fruit and New Perspective

In the Belgian province of Limburg, near the town of Hasselt and the Haspengouw region known for fruit-growing, the Bokke blendery is getting back on its feet.

Editors’ Picks: For the Armchair

Here are two titles worth adding to your shelves—and well worth clearing some you-time to put up your feet, crack a beer, and crack a book.