Brewing Techniques and Advic

Dry Hops Dilemmas

We asked Adam Glaser, head brewer at Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery in Denver, Colorado, to help demystify fermentation progress and dry hops.

Have Faith in Your Beer

“Don’t sweat the small stuff when you’re brewing,” says Michael Copado. History assures us that most homebrew mistakes are “small stuff.”

Take Control of Your Fermentation

A chest freezer and a dual-stage controller can give homebrewers the environmental control needed to brew lagers in August and saisons in February.

The Great Kegs versus Bottles Showdown

Here is a completely subjective list of considerations when you’re trying to decide whether to keg or bottle.

Homebrewing a Kölsch

Kölsch is the ideal style to reach for when you need to recharge your taste buds with a lighter, refreshing beer.

Nitraux: Pour Nitro-style on the Cheap

Who can argue with the aesthetic pleasure of watching a well-executed nitro pour? What if you could achieve the same results without nitrogen?

Lautering and Sparging

Here’s the lowdown on lautering and the skinny on sparging.

Practical Parti-Gyle Brewing

Parti-gyle brewing (brewing multiple worts from a single mash) is still vital for brewers such as London’s Fuller’s Brewery. Homebrewer and writer Joe Stange paid them a visit to learn how homebrewers can add it to their arsenal.

The Remedy of Errors

Whether you’re tasting or brewing beer, understanding off-flavors can help you appreciate well-made beer or identify flaws in your own. Here’s a handy reference for recognizing 17 of the most common off-flavors found in beer.

Succumb to Smoke: The Art of Brewing a Balanced Rauchbier

Jester Goldman’s first sip of a Rauchbier nearly discouraged him from ever trying the style again, but now it’s become a favorite style for him. Try it for yourself with Jester’s tips.