Brewing Techniques and Advice

How to Remove Beer Labels

Here are three proven methods for ridding bottles of their former lives’ branding.

Managing Mixed Culture Fermentations

We turned to an accomplished brewer and a sanitation microbiologist to learn the best approach to avoiding contamination in a mixed culture environment.

Homebrew Competitions: Decoding Your Judging Scoresheet

When you enter a homebrew competition, your entry receives valuable feedback that can have a major impact on the quality of your future batches. Here’s are some tips to understanding that feedback.

How to Brew Your Best IPA Ever

If you’re ready to take your IPA to the next level, and maybe even win an award along the way, use these tips to improve your odds of making the final round.

Grain to Glass in 10 Days

Need beer in a hurry? No need to worry, you can turn out a great brew in ten days or fewer if you follow a few basic principles.

Hot-Rod Your Beer-Making Kit!

With quality ingredients, these kits can turn out excellent beer with just a few minutes more of your time.

Facing (Beer) Judgment

Homebrew competitions offer the chance to get honest unbiased feedback on your beer. Here are 3 things to remember when you consider entering your beer in a competition.

Dry Hops Dilemmas

We asked Adam Glaser, head brewer at Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery in Denver, Colorado, to help demystify fermentation progress and dry hops.

Have Faith in Your Beer

“Don’t sweat the small stuff when you’re brewing,” says Michael Copado. History assures us that most homebrew mistakes are “small stuff.”

Take Control of Your Fermentation

A chest freezer and a dual-stage controller can give homebrewers the environmental control needed to brew lagers in August and saisons in February.