Making Beer

Exchange Rates IV: Dealing with Adjuncts

In this fourth article in our Exchange Rates series, we’ll tackle the sticky subject of adjuncts.

If at First You Don’t Succeed

It’s pretty much inevitable that something will eventually go wrong on brew day. When it does, pour yourself a beer and conduct a post-mortem to find the root cause and possible remedies.

Exchange Rates III: Extract Composition

Most malt extracts are produced using a blend of one or more base malts and some specialty grains, and the precise formulation varies from one manufacturer to the next.

How to Choose the Right Hydrometer

Here is a guide to hydrometers available to homebrewers and how to select the right one for you.

Exchange Rates II: Specialty Grains

Specialty grains add flavor, aroma, and color to beer and contribute proteins and unfermentable sugars.

Dandelion Cyser

Eric Reinsvold takes advantage of the season’s bounty of dandelions—and his daughter’s energy—to “brew” up a batch of bright sparkling floral summer cyser.

Let’s Do It Again: Three Steps to Consistency

Three metrics will help you develop familiarity with your equipment and brewing process so you won’t just make great beer, but you’ll make the great beer you planned, right from the start.

Finding Success with Sours

Effectively working with mixed-culture fermentation and barrel aging can be a tricky, time-intensive business. Three of the industry’s best offer their insights.

Exchange Rates I: Base Malts

Your brew buddy just emailed you the recipe for his or her award-winning American pale ale. You eagerly open the file and discover it’s an all-grain recipe. But you brew from extract. What now?

Dialing in a Recipe

In four steps, you can adjust your beer recipe and process to transform a decent beer in your arsenal into a solid 10.