From his Make Your Best style series, try this recipe for Josh Weikert's "Headsplitter"—a richly malted strong Scotch ale, a.k.a. wee heavy (hold the peat).
Want to try brewing with a sourdough bread culture? This recipe from Scratch Brewing in Ava, Illinois, is a great place to start.
Who's ready for some decoction? Chicago's Dovetail brews this Bavarian-influenced Helles with the baseball season in mind... but it's easy to drink all year long.
This juicy double IPA recipe, courtesy of the Pinthouse Pizza brewpub in Austin, Texas, is loaded with hop-fueled flavors of pulpy tropical fruit and peeled citrus, while maintaining a clean, snappy finish.
This homebrew-scale base recipe, provided by Jeff Hardesty of Narrow Gauge as part of his All Access video course, is open to a variety of fruit additions.
This rich, malty, warming barleywine recipe is fit for special occasions and long aging.
For a rich and weighty Baltic porter the Polish way, try this moderately smoked, elaborately mashed version from Browar Widawa.
Here is a Baltic porter recipe worthy of patient lagering and maturation.
This recipe courtesy of Brasserie Lupulus in the Ardennes offers a modern spin on the Wallonian strong brown ale.
Here is a homebrew-scale recipe for the beer that won a Specialty Beer gold medal at the 2017 Great American Beer Festival.