
Style School: Bière de Garde Keeps It Real

Overshadowed by Belgian saison and French wine, the “keeping beers” of northernmost France are a product of local ingredients, unique history, and a taste for polite, approachable beers.

Recipe: Burke-Gilman Černý Kov Dark Lager

This Burke-Gilman take on a Czech-style dark lager is inspired by the legendary beer served at U Fleků in Prague.

German IPA—It Should Be More of a Thing

The idea is simple: an IPA that relies on German ingredients—especially the country’s distinctive aroma hops. Does it exist? Yes. Is it rare? Also, yes. Josh Weikert digs into the German and U.S. beer scenes to find out why—and to get the blueprints.

Kaimiškas: Get Raw & Rustic with Lithuania’s Unique Farmhouse Beers

Whether “raw” and unboiled, bittered with hop tea, or made from a mash baked into crusty loaves, Lithuanian farmhouse ales represent a distinct tradition of comforting beers that can’t be found anywhere else.

Editors’ Picks: Kölsch & Kölsch-Style Ales

Here are five of our favorite examples of this unassuming and elegant style, each managing ample character in addition to supreme balance and drinkability.

Kölsch: Öh, You’ll Have Another

Far from ordinary, the unassuming Kölsch is a unique beer with its own history and an identity firmly rooted in its city and rituals. Jeff Alworth has the story, with a fresh glass and a tick for your deckel.

Video Tip: Constructing a Modern West Coast–Style IPA

West Coast IPA has evolved. From building a pale grist with enough malt complexity to support the hops, to selecting hop varieties that combine the new with the classic, Pinthouse’s Joe Mohrfeld wallks us through the choices.

Style School: Berliner Weisse Is Legion

The traditional white beer from Berlin has had many guises over the centuries, from simpler Lacto sours to fruit-packed smoothies, via enigmatic, mixed-fermentation constructions more closely aligned with its history.

Full Video: Brewing Modern IPAs with Pinthouse

Join Pinthouse Pizza Brewmaster Joe Mohrfeld for a master class in getting the most out of hops to brew highest-quality, aroma- and flavor-forward IPAs.

Better Brewing: Why We Study the Classics

Few experiences in brewing are more rewarding—or make for better practice—than bringing some undersung, underloved, old-fashioned beer styles to life in your own brewhouse. Josh Weikert makes the case for learning, drinking, and brewing the canon.