Yeast strains have been selected and developed over time to produce certain flavors. As a result, some strains have “quirks” that you need to be aware of if you’re going to use them. Take some tips from Josh Weikert on addressing some of those quirks (such as the tendency to produce diacetyl, sulfur, and certain phenols and esters) in your fermentation process so that you get the beer that you want.
Fermentation is where beer is made. In Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine®’s online course How to Manage Your Fermentation for Better Beer, Josh Weikert covers
- The importance of fermentation temperature and temperature control
- Fermentation conditions such as the effects of light and the importance of stable temperatures
- Yeast strains and selection
- Yeast pitching rates
- How much time to plan for fermentation
- Other fermentation considerations, such as stuck fermentations and never-ending fermentations
- And much more!
Sign up today and put yourself on the road to brewing better beer.