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Full Video: English-Style Beers with Bonn Place Brewing

Less than a year into opening Bonn Place Brewing, Sam Masotto won 2 Great American Beer Festival (GABF) medals for his ordinary bitter and English-style dark mild.

Bonn Place Brewing Sep 1, 2018 - 1 min read

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Sam Masotto, Founder/Brewer of Bonn Place Brewing in Pennsylvania, covers everything you need to know to brew in the English tradition. In this video, join Sam as he takes you step-by-step through a brew day on his production brew system, starting with the methodology of aligning with tradition to recipe development, and all the way to serving.

In this video, you'll learn:
- How to put American twists on English-style beers - Selecting, embracing, and highlighting your malt - Incorporating hops to suit the beer - Technical tests to confirm quality - Brew day procedures - Enhancing your fermentation schedule - Serving your English-style ale - Building an environment to enjoy your beer - And much more

Throughout the video, Sam works in technique and tips to help you make your best English-style ale.

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