Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® Podcast

The podcast for those who make and drink great beer.

Podcast Episode 125: Brad Clark of Private Press on Brewing and Blending Barrel-Aged Stouts and Barleywines

The former brewing director of Jackie O’s in Ohio left the acclaimed brewery to launch his own barrel-aging project in California. Here, he talks big beers—from malt and yeast to blending.

Podcast Episode 124: Tony Lawrence of Boneyard on Balance, Hops Selection, and Resisting Consumer Whims to Stick with What Works

Tony Lawrence, founder and brewer at Boneyard Beer in Bend, Oregon, talks about the importance of balance in IPAs, as well as his brewery's approach to fermenting, dry hopping, and sticking with what they like to brew and drink.

Podcast Episode 123: Blake Tyers of Creature Comforts on Wood-Aging Beer

The wood cellar and mixed-fermentation director for fast-growing Creature Comforts in Athens, Georgia, dives deep into brewing and blending barrel-aged beer.

Podcast Episode 122: Jeff Bagby of Bagby Beer on a Historical Approach to Brewing for the Future

What if the next hot trend is a return to old favorites? Stranger things have happened in the world of food and drink. On that bet, Bagby Beer of Oceanside, California, is all in.

Podcast Episode 121: Transient Artisan Ales Founder Chris Betts Talks Dry Hazy IPAs, Michigan Hops, and Spontaneous Fermentation

Terroir and character matter for Chris Betts, founder of Michigan’s Transient Artisan Ales. Here, he talks about how they build that character into everything from relatively dry hazy IPAs (using Michigan hops) to their spontaneously fermented beer.

Podcast Episode 120: Urban Chestnut's Florian Kuplent on Brewing Lagers, Selecting Ingredients, and the Importance of Fermentation

Bavarian-born Florian Kuplent, cofounder and brewmaster of Urban Chestnut in St. Louis, gets into the details of brewing both traditional and experimental beers.

Podcast Episode 119: John Mallett of Bell's Brewery on Ingredient Quality, Understanding Malt, and Designing Brewery Workflows

John Mallett, VP of operations for Bell's, is one of the most respected technical brewers in the industry. Here, he discusses everything from sourcing and evaluating ingredients to maintaining haze in beer and engineering a brewhouse workflow.

Podcast Episode 118: The Ale Apothecary's Paul Arney on Brewing Naturally and Artfully

Arney discusses the choices and systems he created, to take what he learned from large-scale production brewing and apply it to this grounded, intentionally small approach to brewing.

Podcast Episode 117: 3 Sons Brewing's Corey Artanis on Maximum Impact from Flavor Ingredients

Founder Corey Artanis walks through everything from ingredient selection to process considerations when adding ingredients like coffee, maple syrup, vanilla, and more.

Podcast Episode 116: Green Bench Brewing's Khris Johnson Talks Lager Brewing, Mixed Culture Fermentation, and more

St. Petersburg, Florida's Green Bench Brewing toes a delicate line with sophisticated beers in a still-developing beer state, but from the looks of the crowds, they're on to something big.