Craft Beer & Brewing Staff

Craft Beer & Brewing Staff


Editors’ Picks: Low-Calorie IPAs

Here are five flavor- and aroma-forward IPAs that scratch the hops itch without loading up on calories.

Editors’ Picks: Hard Seltzer

Here are a few standouts from the rapidly evolving world of fruit-forward fermented beverages.

Five on Five: Brewers Pick Their Favorite IPAs

Few styles have evolved faster than IPA. In this era of softness, haze, and rethought, fruit-forward West Coast iterations, what beers do brewers themselves like to drink? We asked five for their faves.

Editors’ Picks: Five Vienna Lagers We Love

A great Vienna lager exhibits malt and hop character balanced by restraint and supreme drinkability. If lager is the ultimate “brewer’s beer,” is Vienna the ultimate brewer’s lager? Here are five that we love.

Best In Beer: Brewers Pick Five Favorites of 2020

Game recognizes game. Here we’ve asked five respected brewers for a favorite beer they drank this year while off the clock.

Best in Beer Readers’ Choice: Top 50 Beers of 2020

Here are the top 50 beers of 2020, as voted on by the readers of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine®.

Five on Five: Mead

Mead has enjoyed a meteoric rise over the past decade. Here, we ask five new-school meadmakers about the bottles that were formative experiences for them, or that stand out in recent memory.

Infographics: The Pandemic, and How We Buy Beer

Back in May, we polled readers via email to get a sense of how their beer buying and drinking was changing amid the pandemic. More than 4,200 people answered, and the results are charted below.

Vote for Your Favorite Beers and Breweries of 2020

Oof, what a year… but at least we had beer. There is still time to take our Best in Beer 2020 Reader Survey—and get $5 off your subscription.

Editors’ Picks: Keg Apps, Sensory Kits, and Tough Coolers

Looking for new gear? The Plaato Keg Management System, Yeti Roadie 24, and Brew Essence Sensory Training Kits were among our Editors' Picks in Issue 39.

From the Library

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