Joe Stange

Joe Stange

Joe Stange is executive editor of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine, the Brewing Industry Guide, and Spirits & Distilling.

Special Ingredient: CBD

Commercial brewers are in the earliest days of figuring out how to legally get CBD into beer (and keep it there). For homebrewers, it presents an open—if legally vague—field of play and experimentation.

Crambambull: Don’t Knock the Nog

Beernog is more than a way to lighten up a heavy traditional drink. It’s a hook that can lure more people into the indulgent joy of fresh eggnog—and variations abound.

Beer Bars We Love in Richmond, Antwerp, & Olympia

In this edition of Love Handles—where we put the spotlight on the world's great beer bars—we check out The Cask in Richmond, Virginia; the Ware Jacob in Antwerp, Belgium; and the Eastside Club Tavern in Olympia, Washington.

Zooming in on Vienna Lager, Then & Now

Andreas Krennmair's new book takes a detailed look at the history, ingredients, and processes of Vienna lager. Here is some of what he’s learned.

Behind Anchor Christmas Ale: Q&A with Brewmaster Tom Riley

A stronger and darker Anchor Christmas Ale is here to help us try to forget about 2020. Here, Anchor’s brewmaster explains the thinking behind this year’s recipe and label.

Who Needs Black Friday? We Have Small Brewery Sunday.

Small Brewery Sunday is November 29. The annual campaign to support smaller, independent breweries means more than usual this year, with a dire winter ahead for the hospitality trade.

Podcast Episode 162: Yvan De Baets of Brasserie de la Senne Is a Selfish Brewer

If you’ve tried his pale ale, Taras Boulba, then you know that Yvan De Baets has a taste for hops. But it’s the focus on subtlety, balance, and fine details like tank geometry that make the beers of this Brussels brewery so compelling.

We Are All Garage Beer Drinkers Now

Lagers are on the rise, and so are light beers and larger packs. Craft beer is looking more like supermarket beer, but there are good reasons why—and is it really such a bad thing?

Editors’ Picks: Lallemand WildBrew Philly Sour

Lallemand's new found-in-nature yeast produces a gentle lactic acidity without Lactobacillus or other bacteria. We took it for a spin.

Critic’s List: Joe Stange’s Best in 2020

After 13 years living abroad, our Missouri-based managing editor spent the past year getting reacquainted with the American beer scene. Here are his beery highlights.