Joe Stange is executive editor of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine, the Brewing Industry Guide, and Spirits & Distilling.
Real lambic takes time. It laughs at hasty plans. Until recently there were only eight lambic brewers in the Senne Valley. Discover the two newest brewers taking on a very old tradition.
Decoction mashing and patient lagering remain the norm across Upper Franconia, as they do in nearby Czechia—the two places in the world most famed for their attractive, flavorful lagers. Our correspondent takes a deep dive into the region.
Joe Stange offers 5 tips for (correctly) making Belgian-style beer.
Is nothing sacred? Certainly abbey beers aren’t. Not even in Belgium.
Parti-gyle brewing (brewing multiple worts from a single mash) is still vital for brewers such as London’s Fuller’s Brewery. Homebrewer and writer Joe Stange paid them a visit to learn how homebrewers can add it to their arsenal.
From simplest recipe to myriad outcomes, flexible parti-gyle style.