Few experiences in brewing are more rewarding—or make for better practice—than bringing some undersung, underloved, old-fashioned beer styles to life in your own brewhouse. Josh Weikert makes the case for learning, drinking, and brewing the canon.
From his Make Your Best series on dialing in various beer styles, here is Josh Weikert’s recipe for a Czech-style dark lager—a session-strength lager with layers of malt flavor and spicy hop character.
From his Make Your Best series, here is Josh Weikert’s recipe for a Belgian-style strong golden ale inspired by the devilish archetype.
Want to further simplify your homebrewing? Consider ditching those plastic and glass fermentors, and instead try fermenting in your corny kegs.
Do you need to immediately chill your wort and pitch right after the boil? Not really. Josh Weikert explains the ease and simplicity of no-chill brewing.
Still buying only what you need for that next batch? Josh Weikert makes the case for building a library of ingredients, where it’s not just about quality, it’s about quantity.
With this fresh recipe from his Make Your Best series, Josh Weikert goes for relatively restrained roast in this dark lager—and you can tinker with it from there.
Dark malts and ample hops intersect at a risky but rewarding flavor zone where few brewers dare to tread with regularity. Here we dig into recipe choices for distinctive, hop-forward black beers that avoid the pitfalls.
In a world where nearly everything seems to be a pale and/or juicy IPA, here is a welcome change of pace: a depth of fun malt and hop flavors, patently American without being one-note citrus-driven.
You don’t have to be Irish to make a great Irish red. Here's Josh Weikert's recipe for an easy-drinking red ale.