Christopher Tropeano

Video Tip: Avoiding Off-Flavors in Kettle-Sours

In this clip from our full video course on kettle-souring, Resident Culture's Chris Tropeano talks about limiting oxygen exposure to avoid nasty off-flavors.

Video Tip: Managing Acidity in Lactic Fermentation

Know your bugs and how fast they work, and keep an eye on that pH. In this clip from our full video course on kettle-souring, Resident Culture's Chris Tropeano talks about careful kettle-souring.

Video Tip: Avoiding Unwanted Bugs in Kettle-Soured Beers

In this clip from our full video course on kettle-souring, Resident Culture's Chris Tropeano talks about pre-boiling and de-aerating wort, creating an ideal environment for lactic bacteria.

Video Tip: Harvesting Lacto from the Kettle

In this clip from our full video course on kettle-souring, Resident Culture's Chris Tropeano discusses pulling lactic bacteria from the bottom of the kettle for re-pitching in future beers.

Kettle-Souring with Resident Culture (Full Video)

In this 54-minute video, Chris Tropeano of Resident Culture Brewing goes in-depth on brewing kettle-soured beers with balance and complexity.

The Art of Blending Hops (Video Tip)

Using a single hop variety in a recipe is the truest way to see the expression of a certain hop and what it brings to a beer. Once you understand that hop, it's time to master blending.

Why You Should Always Use Quality Hops (Video Tip)

The quality of the hops your use in your beer can mean the difference between an excellent pint and one immediately ready for a drain pour. Choose wisely and well.

The Importance of Pressurizing Tanks when Brewing Hoppy Beers

Ready to take your hoppy beers to the next level? In this video tip Chris Tropeano discusses proper purging methods and oxygen levels for packaging that will help your beers taste fresh.

The Benefits of Cold Dry-hopping Beers (Video Tip)

Chris Tropeano, founder of Resident Culture Brewing shares his thoughts on cold dry hopping and why it works for his brewery.