
Pick Six: Bitter(ness) Memories, with Cantillon's Jean Van Roy

From the legendary Cantillon lambic brewery in Brussels, fourth-generation brewer Jean Van Roy chooses a six-pack of beers that have influenced him over the years. They feature the bitter, the dry, and a lifelong appreciation for good old-fashioned pils.

Meet Belgium’s New Lambic Brewers

Real lambic takes time. It laughs at hasty plans. Until recently there were only eight lambic brewers in the Senne Valley. Discover the two newest brewers taking on a very old tradition.

Schuylkill Lambic-Style Ale Recipe

Lambics might be easier to get today than they were a generation ago, but they’re still definitely uncommon. Given that, why not brew your own take on the style?

Love Handles: In de Verzekering Tegen de Grote Dorst

This classic café outside of Brussels is a magnet for fans of lambic, despite opening only on Sundays.

Make Your Best Lambic-style Ale

Lambics are hard to get right. They take a long time to mature, so you’re going to need to show some patience. They’re worth it, though. In exchange for a couple of hours each year, you can develop a steady rotation of complex and flavorful sour beers.

Basic Kriek Lambic Recipe

Use this recipe to experiement with turbid mashing.