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Advanced Hopping Methods with Resident Culture Brewing (Full Video)

Chris Tropeano, founder of Resident Culture Brewing and former brewer at Russian River, covers all of the practical knowledge you need to brew better hoppy beers.

Special Ingredient: Brewing with Oysters + Oatmeal Oyster Stout Recipe

Whether you’re using fresh oysters, oyster shells, or powdered oysters, the perfect oyster stout offers a balance between roast and brine.

Historical Brewing in the Modern Era (Full Video)

Zebulon Founder and lifelong brewer Mike Karnowski takes you through the history of 1700-1800's English brewing, followed by a demonstration of how to make your own brown malt, invert sugar, and brew a porter (circa 1880) using your new ingredients.

Spontaneous Brewing with Fonta Flora (Full Video)

Fonta Flora's Todd Boera takes you through their first coolship brew of the season, offering practical tips for recipe development, mashing, boil, chilling/coolship, fruiting, and much more.

Brewing with Bacon (Including a Recipe from Uncommon Brewers)

Cured pork is not just for breakfast any more. Try adding a bit of comforting umami and smoke to your next brew with these tips.

Full Video: Fundamentals of German-Style Brewing

In this 48-minute video, Eurisko Beer Co. Founder and German-trained brewer Zac Harris covers the fundamentals of German-style brewing, how it differs from brewing in the U.S., and offers specific style examples to help you make better beer.

Eurisko Beer Co. Helles & Doppelbock Recipes

These recipes accompany the Eurisko Beer Co. video on 'Fundamentals of German-Style Beers.'

Full Video: Homebrew Instrumentation

In this 110-minute video, 2nd Act Beer Founder Stu Blake covers homebrew instrumentation, readings, interpretation, and actions you can take following the readings, helping you make better, more consistent beer.

Brewing with Tea (Including a Recipe from Edmund’s Oast Brewing Co.)

Finding the right blend of tea leaves can add a boost of flavor to your favorite mild beer. Learn more from Edmund’s Oast Brewing Co., including a recipe for their tea-infused English mild.

Full Video: How to Win a Beer Competition

BJCP Certified Judge and award-winning homebrewer Paul Odell covers the inner-workings of beer competitions and offers tips to help you stand out and win with your next entry.