
Video Tip: Using Dehusked Malts to Adjust Color and Get Smoother Flavor

Jonathan Moxey, head brewer of Rockwell Beer in St. Louis, explains how dehusked roast malts such as Carafa can be useful for adjusting color as well as building smoother flavor into black beers.

Recipe: Port City Porter

Port City Brewmaster Jonathan Reeves has been making some version of this robust porter recipe since 1995, but this represents the award-winning beer that he and his team brew today in Alexandria, Virginia.

The Punk Rock Roots of Port City Porter

Port City Porter has become a Beltway mainstay while racking up medals over the years. It's a recipe with roots in the 1990s, amid punk-rock shows, the homebrewing boom, and the brewpub bubble. Joe Stange hears the tale from Brewmaster Jonathan Reeves.

Editors' Picks: American Porter

Here are five porters that exemplify the best of America’s own approach to this dark and drinkable style.

American Porter: An Undersung Classic Awaits Its Re-Revival

In this edition of Jeff Alworth's Style School, we look to the early days of American microbrewing, when attempts to recreate a neglected British style may not have been historically accurate—but they were something altogether new (and delicious).

Editors' Picks: Baltic Porter

Challenging to brew, maybe. Yet so easy to ensconce yourself and give in to dark, lush, warming liquid malt.

Recipe: Widawa Smoked Baltic Porter 24°

For a rich and weighty Baltic porter the Polish way, try this moderately smoked, elaborately mashed version from Browar Widawa.

Porter, the Polish Way

Baltic porter survived the 20th century in Poland, and it stayed strong. Now a new generation of Polish brewers is pushing the envelope.

Recipe: Ostseeküste Baltic Porter

Here is a Baltic porter recipe worthy of patient lagering and maturation.

Brewing Traditions: Baltic Indulgence

Thick, rich, smooth Baltic porter is a comforting treat for the frigid months. If only it were easier to brew...