
No Rests for the Wicked: Barleywine, Done Briskly

Whether English or American or breaking new ground, barleywines are the Cadillacs of the ale world. Can you brew a great one with extracts? Of course you can. Annie Johnson breaks it down in our ongoing series on extract-brewing exceptional beers.

Recipe: Bohemian Night Czech-Style Dark Lager

From his Make Your Best series on dialing in various beer styles, here is Josh Weikert’s recipe for a Czech-style dark lager—a session-strength lager with layers of malt flavor and spicy hop character.

Podcast Episode 186: Matt Katase of Brew Gentlemen Has a Bridge to Sell You

Less is more for Pennsylvania’s Brew Gentlemen, but don’t let that minimalist philosophy fool you—they may have started young, but they’re committed to staying connected to craft beer’s history while playing in the evolving trends of today.

Recipe: Der Teufel Belgian-Style Golden Strong Ale

From his Make Your Best series, here is Josh Weikert’s recipe for a Belgian-style strong golden ale inspired by the devilish archetype.

Style School: The Hallowed Comforts of Doppelbock

Monkish hospitality and devotion gave way to modern commercialism over a few centuries, but this Bavarian product that evolved along the way still has the power to nourish and amaze.

Belgian Tripel: The Golden Glow of Modernity

A 20th-century invention made famous by monks, this strong but elegant ale of hospitality is built from the simplest of ingredients—yet it’s among the most challenging to brew well. Jeff Alworth explains its origins and context.

Video Tip: Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

Study the classics, and use the best ingredients and equipment you can. One secret to making great beer is knowing that others have done the hard work for us—from the brewers who came before us to the farmers who produce our raw materials.

The Smooth-Drinking Gimmickry of Cream Ale

In this edition of Style School, Jeff Alworth explains how an American heirloom style began as a marketing creation of the Industrial Age—and where today’s more playful breweries have run with it.

Whatever Happened to the American Stout?

American stout’s unlikely combination of roasted malt and American hops launched a movement and converted many a drinker. So, where the heck did it go? Drew Beechum isolates its elements and makes a plea.

The Accelerating Dialectic of IPA

More juice, but with more bite—East Coast and West Coast are synthesizing, again, right before our eyes. How did we get here? And what’s next? Drew Beechum walks us through IPA’s battles and evolutions.