Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® Podcast

The podcast for those who make and drink great beer.

Podcast Episode 233: Urbain Coutteau of Struise Brouwers Shares Some “Peasant Intelligence”

Known for their high-gravity beers and irreverent attitude, the Struise Brouwers have injected fresh energy into Belgian beer over the past two decades. Yet the systems they’ve built to brew these big beers are as creative as the beers themselves.

Podcast Episode 232: Raf Souvereyns of Bokke Is Blending Lambic with Fruit and New Perspective

In the Belgian province of Limburg, near the town of Hasselt and the Haspengouw region known for fruit-growing, the Bokke blendery is getting back on its feet.

Podcast Episode 231: Cameron Owen of The Eighth State Can’t Afford to be Average

At The Eighth State in Greenville, South Carolina, cofounder and head brewer Cameron Owen is employing a careful culinary approach to create unexpected layers of complexity in fruit beers and ingredient-laden stouts and barleywines.

Podcast Episode 230: The Bitter Truth About Belgian Beer, with Nino Bacelle of De Ranke

For De Ranke, looking back was looking forward. When the Belgian beer industry was minimizing bitterness, De Ranke embraced it instead, carving out a hop-forward niche that’s been influencing fellow brewers for nearly three decades.

Podcast Episode 229: Au Baron’s Xavier Ballieux Carries on the Family Farmhouse-Brewing Tradition

In France near the Belgian border, family-run Brasserie Au Baron fuses the character of local ingredients, a distinctive house yeast, and the traditions of both saison and bière de garde.

Podcast Episode 228: Paula Yunes and Valéry De Breucker of Brasserie Atrium Are Shaking Things Up in the Famenne

This wife-and-husband brewing team in Wallonia blend their Belgian and Brazilian roots with a deep love of tradition and a spark of contemporary creativity.

Podcast Episode 227: Tom Jacobs of Antidoot Is Searching For Simplicity

The philosopher-brewer expounds on not conforming to preconceptions of style, staying small to protect their creative vision, and using a full range of herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables to find that signature Antidoot aroma and flavor.

Podcast Episode 226: For Cantillon’s Jean Van Roy, Brewing Comes Naturally

Through dire decades for traditional lambic, this multigenerational Brussels brewery kept the flame lit long enough to witness the current renaissance. Yet Cantillon continues to explore methods for using fruit while staying true to the family’s vision.

Podcast Episode 225: 3 Fonteinen’s Next Generation Is Going from Grain to Gueuze

Werner Van Obberghen and Lukas Van den Abeele discuss extending the tradition and digging deeper into lambic history with the next phase of the historic blendery and brewery.

Podcast Episode 224: Julia Herz of the American Homebrewers Association Connects the Dots Between Beer and Flavor

The author of several quintessential works on food and beer pairing ponders the question “why we brew” and offers a primer in developing your flavor lexicon.